About Us

ProTech Building Services central theme is energy efficiency programs in conjunction with our facility services. At ProTech Building Services we work to redefine the interaction between people and place. By setting trends and accelerating new technology adaptation, we help our customers become a more energy efficient operation.

We are working to accelerate the change in energy use. At ProTech Building Services we want to help accelerate that pace with our customers. The numbers show the industry will benefit by focusing on energy efficient programs. ProTech Building Services approach is to concentrate on the companies who manufacture, sell, purchase, install and focus on energy efficient products and technologies. By developing long-term relationships with these companies and the entities that regulate / advocate for energy efficiency, we want to assist our customers in finding deeper energy savings.

ProTech Building Services does this by:

  • Reducing energy and operating costs
  • Maintaining temperature and food safety standards
  • Healthy and comfortable environment for employees and customers
  • Reducing repair costs

Energy efficiency goals and regulations vary by company and geography. We at ProTech Building Services make a conscious effort to work closely with our customers and the energy providers.

Our Commitment to Customers

ProTech Building Services values the opportunity to make energy efficiency a reliable resource for our customers.

Our customers count on our ability to:

  • Deliver energy saving programs on time and within budget(s)
  • Help customers continually drive towards future savings
  • Minimize risk and maximize savings opportunity
  • Continuous work to enhance the customer relationship by providing the latest industry leading technologies

Customer Benefits

ProTech Building Services benefits end-use customers by helping them:

  • Clearly understand their energy use and objectives
  • Evaluate energy efficiency options
  • Choose worthwhile energy-saving investments
  • Receive incentives for energy-efficient upgrades
  • Understand how to maintain equipment to minimize repairs
  • Monitor results and make adjustments where needed
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